Brown Dog Milling


Failing Septic System

Those horrible words of a Failing Septic System and what it means to a homeowner!

First thing on every homeowners mind is the cost of replacing a failing or failed septic system. Removal, especially if the bed has already failed & replacement of tanks and leach-fields can cost upwards of $30,000. 
Replacing a bed before it fails, saves you in the end!

The ecological impacts of failing or an improperly installed on-site wastewater treatment system can be varied. It often includes eutrophication of waterways with a blue, green algae and bacterial contamination of the aquatic systems. The last thing you want is for the MOE to be called in.

This is very important information for cottagers and home owners in the St Lawrence River and Lakes in our Region.

What to look for:
To make it a little easier for the homeowner here are the signs of septic system failure.


*Within the Home

  • Backup of sewage in your drains or toilets – often a blackish type liquid with a fowl odour.
  • Decreased flow when flushing of your toilets
  • Decreased drain flow from showers and sinks
  • Unpleasant odours throughout your home

* Issues with your Septic Tank

  • Overflowing septic tank
  • Notice of high solids accumulation in the septic tank when pumped out 

* Issues with the Leach-Field and Surrounding Area

  • Lush green grass through-out the year, especially in dry season's and if the surrounding area is significantly different in colour.
  • Effluent accumulating or visible wet patches on or around the leach field
  • You had your well tested and there is a presence of contamination (e.g. nitrates, bacteria) there potentially could be a major health hazard. It can be a clear indication that your septic system is no longer performing as it should.
  • You have new algae and aquatic weeds at your shoreline. Contaminants/nutrients have and are migrating from your septic system.

What is the next step? 
If you think your septic system may be failing/failed or just underperforming, we recommend the following steps:

  • Contact us for a free inspection. 
  • Call and get your system pumped out the day we schedule your inspection.

Good rule to follow is:

  •  Generally every septic tank/s should be pumped out every 2 – 3 years and not longer then 5 years. This will improve the performance and increase the life-time of your system.